This makes a lot of sense to me - I have noticed that I associate things with what I was reading or listening to at the time of that experience (I’ll be in a place or environment and the thing I was reading will come back strongly). I also know that smell is strongly tied to memory so I can imagine combining two sense experiences can help “solidify” the experience to create a stronger memory. I do hear lyrics a lot so I’d need either instrumental or non-English lyrics for this to work, but I think I’m going to try it.
May try it. Yoga is paired with music at the gym. Can't imagine practicing yoga without it, & I'm a beginner. What goes with Chronicles of Narnia (which I've never read).
My mind goes to the lyrics, too, so most music is difficult for me to listen to while I read. I love your idea of pairing movie soundtracks with their book, though! Incidentally, Peggy Noonan said she loved to play soundtracks while she wrote, because it is music of action. I liked that idea.
I love background instrumental music when I read in the mornings on the weekend! I usually go with just a random “background coffee house” type playlist in YouTube, but I think it might be fun to start pairing specific music with specific books!
This makes a lot of sense to me - I have noticed that I associate things with what I was reading or listening to at the time of that experience (I’ll be in a place or environment and the thing I was reading will come back strongly). I also know that smell is strongly tied to memory so I can imagine combining two sense experiences can help “solidify” the experience to create a stronger memory. I do hear lyrics a lot so I’d need either instrumental or non-English lyrics for this to work, but I think I’m going to try it.
I can only listen to instrumental quiet music whilst reading. Lyrics distract me. But when I am working at the computer then I can listen to anything.
Thanks for the idea! I'm going to give this a try!
May try it. Yoga is paired with music at the gym. Can't imagine practicing yoga without it, & I'm a beginner. What goes with Chronicles of Narnia (which I've never read).
Listen to a soundtrack with the Chronicles of Narnia. Something epic. Maybe even the Narnia soundtrack from the movies.
My mind goes to the lyrics, too, so most music is difficult for me to listen to while I read. I love your idea of pairing movie soundtracks with their book, though! Incidentally, Peggy Noonan said she loved to play soundtracks while she wrote, because it is music of action. I liked that idea.
I love background instrumental music when I read in the mornings on the weekend! I usually go with just a random “background coffee house” type playlist in YouTube, but I think it might be fun to start pairing specific music with specific books!