Books of Titans
Books of Titans Podcast
10 Updated Rules for Reading
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10 Updated Rules for Reading

Simple rules for a better reading life.
Armchair Books in Edinburgh, Scotland 2024.

In 2019, I compiled a list of 10 rules for reading. As I’ve shifted this reading project towards reading through The Great Books, some of those rules have changed. Here’s my updated list of rules:

I. Always Carry a Book

This simple rule has helped me read much more each year. You’ll be amazed at how 5, 10, or 20 minute periods will add up to hours of reading each month. If you’re reading a good book, it will be more enticing than your phone.

II. Write in Your Books

Don’t be afraid to mark up your books. Write questions in the margins. Underline what is different from what you currently think or believe. Take notes of the most important points in the very back of the book. That way, you’ll be able to pull any book from your shelves and quickly scan through the key points, themes, or characters.

III. Create a Dream Reading List

What are the books you’ve always wanted to read? You will only be able to read a relatively small number of books in your lifetime, so it’s important to choose wisely. Take an afternoon, go to a bookstore, and write down the books that strike your fancy. Or think about a topic you’d like to explore. An author you’d like to read. Or a set of books you’d like to tackle.

IV. One Book at a Time

Once you’ve created that list, start at the top and read one book at a time. If you juggle a bunch of books, it will take you longer to read them and you’ll have a harder time remember what you read. Focus is the name of the game here.

V. Remember One Thing

Simply set a goal to remember just one thing from each book. It helps you pull out the most important idea, lesson, or situation and it has the counterintuitive result of actually helping you to remember more things from the book. Try it!

VI. Ditch It

Give a book 50 to 100 pages. If it’s not doing it for you, move on to the next one. You may come back to it another time or it may just not be for you.

VII. Share It

Share your reading list, the number of books you’d like to read within a given time period, and what you’re learning. This will attract others reading the same books and will lead to natural accountability. It’s easier to continue a reading project if you’ve told others what you’re doing.

VIII. Summarize It

Write a book summary, record a podcast, or create a personal audio note on your phone about the book. The simple act of compiling what you’ve learned soon after reading a book will be the key to remembering what you read. You’ll also have something you can revisit should you need a quick book refresher.

IX. Talk About It

Find friends who also enjoy reading and share what you are learning. Sharing ideas with others will spark connection points from what they are reading. This will lead to new ideas and remembering what you read.

X. Mix it Up

If you’re working your way through a list of books, make sure you take some breaks during the year to read some other books from your TBR (to-be-read) pile. Always keep your reading life fresh.

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